Friday, October 28, 2011

Love Really is a Drug!

While reading some new RSD related articles today I came about one called “Love really is a drug – and it can work a treat with pain relief.” It starts, of course, with a romantic quote from William Shakespeare and then it goes into a truly fascinating article about how love really is a drug. The study was performed on a few love struck students and they found that the euphoria of a new relationship can override the discomfort of pain. You really have to read to article for yourself, it is honestly one of the best written and most interesting I have read in a while. The article proves how powerful love is. Whether it’s love between a mother and a new born child, a human and animal or two completely wonderstruck teenagers that have just fallen head over heels in love, it can keep you sane through the pain. Today, whenever you need a little bit more to get you through the day, I want you to think about someone or something that means a lot to you. Maybe it will work for you! We would love to hear from you! Lets us know! I will be posting the links to out facebook, twitter, website (which has just been updated! Yay!) and this amazing article. Don’t hesitate at all to contact us, we would be happy to talk to you through a rough day or answer your questions (: I love you all! Keep fighting! –Kait (:!/rsdsah

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Thank you!

I read a quote today that said “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” For some reason that quote really stuck with me! We would just like to thank every single one of you for all of the support you continue to give us! We’re working on some big things right now and really hope that we will have to chance to help all of you. You’re all so amazing and strong! So thank you! You are the reason we are still here today! Keep fighting!
-Kait ♥

Just a short one to say thank you!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just Listen

Hi Guys! I recently finished reading a book called Just Listen. I know a lot of you reading this have kids and I would honestly recommend this book. The book is written by Sarah Dessen who in my opinion is one of the best Young Adult authors. I think most people will interpret the lesson a different way but there is one common theme through it all. Just listen. Have you ever sat down and listened to someone’s story? No judgments you just sat there and honestly listened. If everyone did that I think in so many different aspects the world would be better. One those being RSD. If random people, doctors, scientist and even our own families really listened to us we could find a cure. Listening helps more than you think. Sometimes we just need someone to understand whether it’s listening to a child being bullied, or just something as simple as a teenage love problem. Listening is definitely a powerful thing. Sometime during this week I want you all to Just Listen. Listen to the lyrics in a song, listen to your friend’s problem, or listen to a fellow RSD patient. Whatever you chose just know that it’s helping in a big way. I love you all! Stay strong and keep fighting.
-Kait ♥

Friday, September 16, 2011

Back to School Blog!

Hey guys! I haven’t gotten a chance to write a blog in a while! I’ve been really busy getting back into school but I hope you’re all doing well! RSD Support and Hope was taking a bit of a break but we’re just about ready to get back into the swing of things! Next up for us were going to finish some business paperwork and then start writing grants! I’m really excited for things to get bigger and better. Have you guys heard that it’s Invisible Illness Awareness Week? The whole point of this week is too obviously spread awareness! Do it with any resources that you have! You could just post a note on Facebook or you could tell someone about CRPS/RSD and what you’re going through. It’s truly amazing when you can make someone understand that what you’re going through is real. I hope you all have an amazing pain free week! Keep fighting! Love you guys!

-Kait ♥

Thursday, August 18, 2011

End of Summer :(

Well guys, the time has come. Time to face reality that summer is almost over. ): Does going back to school and work affect your RSD? Do all of the weather changes affect your RSD? For me the hardest season change is fall going in to winter. The cold makes it really hard. How do you handle the pain? People handle it in very different ways. Some people like to work through it; some people have to distract themselves etc. I’m one of those people that has to distract themselves. Whenever I’m in pain I like to lay down and blast music through my ear phone or read a book to go into someone’s world for a little while. What do you like to do? I would really love to hear from you! Feel free to comment on here or contact me through facebook and email: or (: Okay, Love you guys! Have an amazing weekend (:
-Kait ♥

Monday, August 8, 2011


Hey guys! (: Now that the fundraiser is officially over, we’re now working to get all of the thank you letters out (: We now have to think about our next step! With money in our bank account and some more people supporting us we can get much more done! There is still some of our start up work we have to accomplish. Hopefully we can get that done with soon! If you guys haven’t already it would mean so much if you checked out our facebook and twitter pages:!/RSDSAH
If you would like too you can also check out our website:
I think that’s all of this week! I hope you all have an amazing pain free week!
-Kait ♥

Monday, August 1, 2011

RSD Support and Hope's First Fundraiser at Burlap and Bean!

Wow is the only word that comes to mind when I think of last night. The whole night was pure perfection. RSD Support and Hope had their very first fundraiser! It started with the speeches! That was probably the most insane thing I’ve ever done. It’s an amazing thing when people finally realize that RSD is real, and we all have to do something to stop it.

Then Vilebred went on…seriously one of the most talented local bands. Sam Vile’s voice is one of the best I’ve ever heard and the band completely rocked. They opened with some original songs, such as their newest song, "Wine N' Cig." They also played a cover of The Beastie Boys "Sabotage," with a puppet! It was amazing.

After Vilebred finished their set there was a 15 minute break and then Tom Curtis went on. Tom started with one of his best performances of Stars. He then went into a whole set of purely amazing music. He used the fundraiser as an opportunity to release his new Single, "Passion." Make sure you check both of them out of Facebook, MySpace or their websites:

Tom Curtis:
Reverb Nation


RSD Support and Hope ended up raising over $1,000! It’s our intention to pass that along to someone in need. Thank you guys so much for all of your support so far and I’m looking forward to bigger and better things in the future!
Love you guys!
-Kait ♥

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fundraiser time!

I can't believe that the RSD Support and Hope fundraiser is 6 days away! Tom Curtis JR and Vilebred will be performing! Tom has been in the recording studio and MAYBE we'll get to hear something new? Vilebred is always amazing. Sam Vile couldn't be more talented! We also have an interactive game planned and maybe even a few other surprises. If you can't make it don't worry! We have a local photographer coming to capture it all for you (: I really hope to see some of you there! Its going to be so much fun (: All of the money that is donated at this fundraiser is going to be for helping all of you in any way that we can. Our website now has a donations button and any amount is appreciated so much. We love you guys!
- Kait ♥

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mission for you!

My fellow RSD warriors I have a mission for you. Today I want you to try and spread awareness about RSD in any way you can. Whether its putting #rsdawareness at the end of your tweets for posting facts about RSD as your facebook status. Maybe you even want to take it too the next level and tell someone about your story and how RSD effects you. Whatever you do, big or small, makes a huge difference. So, go out there and make a change. Your all amazing! We love you ♥
- Kait ♥

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Quick Update!!

Hey guys! Just a quick update(: I can't believe that the very first RSD Support and Hope fundraiser is in just 17 days! (: We've got a lot of cool stuff planned and the performances are going to be amazing! We just got our bracelets in and they're wonderful! We have a lot of them and if any of you are interested in ordering one I think we'll have the option of ordering them on our website soon! I just wanted to thank you all for the support you have given us! Its truly amazing and I can't wait until we're able to help all of you in bigger ways. We love you!
- Kait ♥

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2nd Blog Woot Woot!!

Hey there (: It’s my second blog! Yay! I’m an official blogger haha (: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads my blogs and everyone that has checked out our website! It means a lot to me and the RSD Support and Hope team (: We’re still working on our fundraiser! Tom Curtis and Vilebred will be performing at Burlap and Bean on July 30th and starting on June 30th you can buy tickets on the Burlap website ill post that link at the bottom (: If you guys haven’t checked out our website yet it’s up and it’s awesome! (: We love your feedback so if you have any comments you can lets us know under the contact us tab (: If there’s anything that you want me to talk about or find articles on let me know in the comments and I’ll be sure to do it! That’s all for now! Thanks for reading love you guys ♥

Sunday, April 17, 2011

First blog! (:

Hey Guys, It’s Kait! This is my first blog so you’re going to have to take it easy on me. RSD Support and Hope is an upcoming organization determined to improve the quality of life for sufferers of RSD/CRPS through active funding projects. The Organization was formed by two 15-year-olds, Kait Bailer (Me, I have RSD as well!) and my best friend Alexa Naughton. Our mission is to provide a safe and comfortable place for those with CRPS and their families and friends to share their thoughts, concerns and ideas with others. We will financially support those affected with grants to assist with the burden as soon as we gather some funding. With that I’ll announce some good news! Our website is finally done! Yay! It’s pretty awesome. You can find a whole bunch of fun stuff and you probably got the link to my blog from our website but if you got it from somewhere else I’ll post the link at the bottom (: You should also check out our facebook and twitter page when you have a chance. I’ll post the links at the bottom of the page (: We’re also in the process of planning our first fundraiser! We’re going to have some really talented local people performing and we’ll be selling bracelets and a whole bunch of fun other stuff (: Well, Thanks for reading! Love you guys! Bye (:
