Thursday, August 18, 2011

End of Summer :(

Well guys, the time has come. Time to face reality that summer is almost over. ): Does going back to school and work affect your RSD? Do all of the weather changes affect your RSD? For me the hardest season change is fall going in to winter. The cold makes it really hard. How do you handle the pain? People handle it in very different ways. Some people like to work through it; some people have to distract themselves etc. I’m one of those people that has to distract themselves. Whenever I’m in pain I like to lay down and blast music through my ear phone or read a book to go into someone’s world for a little while. What do you like to do? I would really love to hear from you! Feel free to comment on here or contact me through facebook and email: or (: Okay, Love you guys! Have an amazing weekend (:
-Kait ♥

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