Friday, February 3, 2012

Calmare Pain Therapy Treatment

Well, hi there guys! I hope your all having a wonderful day! Thursday (February 9th) I have a doctor’s appointment with Dr.Michael J. Cooney in Rutherford, NJ! I’m trying a new treatment called the Calmare Pain Therapy Treatment. Here is an overview of the treatment from the website:

Calmare Pain Therapy Treatment is a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical solution for pain control and drug resistant pain. It uses biophysical “scrambler” technology, a type of treatment for nerve pain that uses electrodes placed on the skin. Very low doses of electricity are transmitted from the electrodes through the skin to block the pain. Pain may be a result of chronic conditions including injury, cancer and chemotherapy, diabetic pain, lower back pain, chronic neck pain, post surgical pain, failed back surgery syndrome, phantom limb syndrome, RSD, fibromyalgia, radiating pain and neuropathy.” 

I’m kind of nervous but I’m really excited to start! I’ve been reading some reviews and it sounds like it has a pretty good success rate. From what I understand you do 10 treatments, so I’m going to be doing a blog series following my experience! I hope you guys enjoy it! Have a great pain-free weekend everyone! Keep fighting!

Treatments website:


  1. While there is no cure for CRPS, the disease can be slowed. It is also likely to go into remission if treated early, ideally within three months of the first symptoms. Hope the Calmare pain therapy treatment worked for you.
    chronic leg pain

  2. Thanks for providing the great information about Calmare Pain Therapy Treatment. Calmare Pain Relief
    Thanks for great sharing.
