Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hello everyone! I don’t know about you guys, but when I’m in pain music helps distract me a lot. One of my favorite bands is U2! A song that I really love is called “Miracle Drug”. If you have never heard it before I strongly urge you to listen to it. It’s not just the song or the music that really makes me love it; it’s the story behind the song. No one tell its better then Bono himself so here is a passage from the book U2 by U2!
 “The character of Christopher Noal was in the back of my head. He was a boy who came into Mount Temple just as we were leaving. He had been deprived of oxygen for two hours when he was born and developed cerebral palsy, so he was paraplegic. It’s written from his mother’s perspective. It’s about her faith in her son when for nine or ten year she had no idea if he was a conscious, sentient being or not. The hospital, the doctors and nurses, could not guarantee her that he was awake to the world. But she believed it. She saw something in his eyes that was the light of being. And she had enough faith in her instinct and in her love for him to teach him, to read to him, to talk to him, as if he was there. And then, aged eleven, this drug appears on the scene which frees up one muscle, which is the neck muscle, and allows him to move and inch. And through that movement he was able to type out all the stories and poems he had in his head for all those years.
He had a little unicorn device attached to his forehead and his first poem was called ‘I learn to Bow’, which is about this mechanism of the head movement but it’s also his poem of gratitude to go, who I think he felt had worked through science to free him up. Now, I don’t know about you, but if I had been locked in myself for ten years and I eventually got out, I’m not sure I’d be so full of praise for my Maker. Damburst of dreams, his first book, went on to win the Whitbread Literary award when he was fifteen years old. But the song is about his mother. I want a trip inside your head, spend a day there, see what you can see (Lyrics to the song). Generally rock stars don’t sing from an older woman’s perspective. It’s a song about faith, the faith that God can work through science, and in particular medicine. “
Isn’t that truly amazing?! It honestly gives me hope that miracles can happen. I think that if we just keep believing and keep fighting that one day we’re going to get our miracle drug. I hope you never give up faith, because if you keep fighting the most amazing things are going to happen. I know that right now it looks like there is not looking up from this, but one day there will be something that cures this horrible disease. Whenever you’re giving up think about the story of Christopher Noal and remember that miracles do happen. I would just like to remind you guys again that if you EVER need to talk to someone you can feel free to contact me through twitter, email, and Facebook! Love you guys! Keep fighting!




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