Tuesday, October 1, 2013

One of many :)

Hello there!
It’s been a while, I’m so sorry for the lack of blog posts. I have a lot more free time on my hands and an actual schedule for my posts has been made now, so hopefully you’ll start reading a lot more about my boring life soon. This morning I had my first phone interview with social security in hopes to get disability benefits. It went well, and we’re optimistic about the outcome. It’s still going to be a stressful few months while we try to get all of that worked out.  

My health hasn’t been the greatest recently. In July I was hospitalized with a herniated disk and ended up having a cyst as well. I stayed in the hospital for 3 days trying to get the pain under control, and then the next week I had surgery. Surgery and RSD aren’t the best mix. The nurses had to put an IV in my left hand, but it almost instantly swelled up. I was in so much pain that they had to take it out and put it in my right arm; which was still painful, but not nearly as bad as before. Stairs became impossible, because I couldn’t handle the pain from the surgery and my normal RSD pain at the same time. I lived on the first floor in our family room for about a month. 

My mom had off from work today so she took me to Linvilla Orchards as an attempt to cheer me up and get me out of the house. September through April are the most difficult times for me though, so I only lasted about 20 minutes before I was completely exhausted and we gave up completely after about 40 minutes. We have a special trip to Disney World planned in December and I’m really worried about how that is going to work out. I may be scooter bound the whole time; which would be interesting! :P  Now I’m stuck on the couch for the rest of the night trying to get some rest. 

Today I am going to be starting Topamax to help with my migraines. I have been reluctant to start it, because the side effects terrify me. I’ve also been taking Ativan to try to help me sleep. It’s better than nothing, but it’s still not helping much. I only get a few hours of sleep a night and that is starting to wear me down a lot. If anyone has any suggestions on good sleeping meds that work, I am all ears! 

The pain levels are high today so after I’m done typing this (I am so sorry about how long it took. I’ve been working on this in shifts all day trying not to overwork my hands) I’m going to try to get some more sleep. I wanted to let you guys know that there are going to be some new RSD Support and Hope posts! On Monday, Wednesday and Thursday I’m going to post a new blog. I can’t promise they are going to be the most interesting posts but I’m going to try! On Tuesday I’m going to post an RSD related question on our facebook/twitter for you guys to answer. On Thursday I’m going to post a fun question that will hopefully allow me to get to know you all better :) Within the next few weeks we’re going to be making a RSDSAH youtube page. It will have different playlists and we were thinking about making a spotlight type thing? Anyone that wants to be involved can send us a few minute video describing what they go through and how they cope and share whatever they want about themselves. We’ll also be posting any new projects that we’re involved in.

If you’re still reading this after all that than thank you! You are fantastic. I love you all lots and I hope you’re having a good day.
New email address:  rsdsah@gmail.com

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